Weikom & Network Weikom & Network








  Maria Weidinger-Moser

Weikom and Network were founded at the beginning of 2003 and are managed by Maria Weidinger-Moser. It is a communication agency which collaborates with independent network partners as and when necessary and according to the requirements of each commission. This approach guarantees our clients a blend of experts and knowledge.

We aim to offer creative and easy to apply solutions which are developed and applied through close personal collaboration with our clients.

Europe is growing together. Consequently, "communication goes Europe". It is not only in Austria that we feel at home. We particularly welcome international or interdisciplinary commissions.

Maria Weidinger-Moser, MAG. (FH), MAS

Born 1961 in Alpbach, Tyrol. Entered the field of communication as a journalist writing for newspapers, specialist journals and magazines as well as at the ORF. Experience abroad in England and France. Experienced PR-Consultant, until 2002 unit manager at the B&K Communciation Agency in Vienna. From 1998-2003 study of European Economics and Management, Master of Advanced Studies for Public Relations.


A-3422 Hadersfeld, Feldgasse 43 :: Email: weidinger@weikom.at :: Tel: +43 (0)2242 31444